Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Fire, Fire Go Away

The weather cooled off yesterday and it remained fairly calm until mid afternoon. But overnight on Sunday about 50 people were evacuated from their homes as the fire was moving in a direction that might have put them in danger of being trapped. The worst had happened; the fire jumped the highway.


By and from the house of the ladies we helped pack up to leave on Saturday afternoon

People had to leave their homes after 10 p.m. and head into town. Those who could, stayed with friends and others headed to the Evacuation Social Services headquarters to get a hotel room to stay in.


About the same time on Saturday but at a different location.

Yesterday morning the road up to the mine was closed and people had to get a permit to travel up there. By 2 p.m. it was opened again. People were thankful for that though they still needed a permit to go on the side roads.

There are many hot spots showing this morning and it will be interesting to see what develops. The wind is blowing already which is not good.

We see helicopter activity between the fire and the local airport which is their fuelling station. The helicopters are getting water from a man made lake in the fire zone (the whole place was spared when the fire divided 200 feet from the buildings). Here is a great picture that a friend shared.


One lady summed it up to the Spousal Unit who volunteered at the Emergency Social Services headquarters. “The fire came real close to the house. The vinyl siding warped and buckled but that is easier to replace than the house if it had burned down”.

As you can guess, I didn’t make it down to the sewing room. Instead, I had two back to back meetings and wrote the literacy year end document. I finished all that by 5 p.m.

Today I am cleaning house. I want to get rid of the fine soot on the furniture and floor. I will start with the dining and living room and then do the kitchen. After that is done, I will sew. I think I deserve a few hours of sewing today.

Until tomorrow………………….

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